Types of Boxing Bets

Boxing is a grand sport to bet on. It is among the most wagered sports globally. Betting in boxing is popular because of the superstar players that take the ring.

Boxing bets can vary from your standard bets such as Win, Place found in horse racing, they are instead rather unique bet types specific to boxing, such as Number of Rounds, Method of Win, Win by Knockout. In this article we will give you a quick overview on each bet so hopefully you can start betting on boxing and making a few bucks!

List of Boxing Bets Explained

The following are the most popular boxing bets across major Australian sports betting sites & sports betting apps.

Money Line Betting

Money line betting in boxing simply lets you win by picking the winner of the match. Some bookies also allow betting on which player will lose the match. The money line bet is the most uncomplicated bet that any punter can make with the least required knowledge. Visit your favourite bookie and look at the matches and players. The odds will be displayed against the player’s names. Calculate the odds and decide the amount you wish to wager. After going through the betting odds, place your bet on the player that you think will win the match.

Round Betting

Round betting is an interesting but a risky type of bet. It has handsome payouts to offer. However, the punter has to have great knowledge about boxing and the risks included in round betting. There are specific rules to keep in mind while placing round bets.

In round betting, you choose which round will the fight end and which player will finish the fight as the outright winner.

For example: let us assume there are two players, player A and player B.

They are fighting against each other for a major title. If you think that player A will finish the fight in round one or two, the boxing odds will look like this.

  • Player A, Round 1- 3.75
  • Player A, Round 2- 3.50

If you place your bet on player A for round 1, and it comes out to be true, you will win $275 on wagering $100. If the number of rounds previously announced changes before the fight starts, the round bets will still stay. However, the round bets will lose if the fight goes to the scorecard.

Total Rounds

Total round betting is another widely loved betting type. In this bet, the bookie predetermines a round score for a certain fight. The punters have to choose if the fight will continue after the set round or will be finished before that.

For example- The bookie sets the total rounds at 1.5, then the punter bets that the fight will continue beyond 1.5. So he will bet ‘over’ the total. However, if the punter thinks that the fight will be over before 1.5, he is betting under the total.

When the punter’s prediction comes true, the punter wins. If the fight finishes at the total score, the bet is termed as Push, and the wager amount is returned to the bettor’s account.

Method of Victory

Method of victory is very popular among boxing bettors. It is widely available on almost every sportsbook. It is similar to money line betting, just that in the method of victory, you also wager on how the player will win the game. The different methods of finishing a fight are:

  • Knockout
  • Technical knockout
  • Opponent retired
  • Unanimous decision
  • Opponent disqualified
  • Technical decision
  • The majority decision, etc.

The bettors put their money on a fighter and his victory method. If the prediction is true, the bettors earn handsome payouts. However, they lose if the winning method is different from the one they have placed their bet on. Many books also have ‘on point’ winning odds where the bettors can put their money on a fighter to win by decision.

In-play Betting

Live betting or in-play betting is new in boxing but is becoming extremely popular among bettors. Live betting is similar to other betting types, but the only benefit punters have is that they can place a bet while the game is on. The odds differ in live matches, but the payouts are good if the bettors use their knowledge and experience about the game. The betting odds in in-play betting change according to the citation of the boxing match. The odds may favour one player in one round and may shift in favour of the other player in the next round. Live betting is very exciting and entertaining for punters.

Series and Long term Betting

Long-term bets are also known as future bets, where the punters bet on who will win the series. The future bets are placed before the beginning of the series and can also be placed after the season begins. The odds are at their competitive best when the bettor places their bets before the beginning of the series. After that, the odds start to vary as the series progresses and as per the position of the players.

Unconfirmed Fight Bets

Some bookies also offer to bet on unconfirmed flights. There is a time limit set on such bets. The bets placed on unconfirmed fights are basically to choose the bout’s winner without confirmation of which players will face each other. If the fights are not confirmed by a certain date, the wager amount is returned to the bettors.

Round Group Betting

Round group betting is similar to round betting, but a number of rounds are combined here. You need not wager on a single round; instead, you can wager on a group of rounds. This bet is for people who have a strong gut feeling when the match will end but not the specific round. For example, some bookies group 3 rounds, whereas others may group upto 6 rounds and offer varied odds.

The 60 Second Bet

This bet is the shortest of them all. The bet is placed on whether the fight will end before 60 seconds pass or not. The punter places the bet on yes or no. If the fight finishes before one minute passes, you win. If the fight continues after 1 minute, you lose.

Various cookies and sportsbooks offer different bet types to their members. Explore more and more bookies to understand and find out more bets to make profits for yourself.