Types of NFL Bets

NFL betting is extremely popular among punters from around the world. Football wagering is not limited to one or two types of bets. There are several types of bets available  for punters to use and earn profits. This article will address the types of bets placed in NFL. NFL bets can vary from your standard bets such as Win, Place found in horse racing, they are instead rather unique bets specific to NFL, such as Who will win the Superbowl. In this article we will give you a quick overview on each bet so hopefully you can start betting on NFL and making a few bucks!

List of NFL Bets Explained

The following are the most popular NFL bets across major Australian sports betting sites & sports betting apps.

Over/ Unders

Over/ under are also known as ‘Totals’. They are among the most popular bets placed in football betting. First, the sportsbook sets a score that it thinks will be scored by both the teams jointly. Then, you place your bet on whether the score will be over or under the number set by the bookie. In this bet, the only thing that matters is the score interpretation. Any team could win or lose the game, but the correct interpretation of scores will make you win the bet. For instance- the bookie sets the total score as 35.5 for a game between team A and Team B. If you think the score will be more than 35.5, then you will be placing your bet over. However, if you expect the combined team score to be less than 35.5, then you will be placing your bet under.

Moneyline Bets

Moneyline bets are for people who wish to place bets on underdogs without winning any points. In other words, money line wagering comes into the picture when the punter wants to bet on which team will win outright. The points spread on the teams don’t count in this bet. This is more of a risky bet. Placing a bet on a favourite will require you to risk more money. However, you will earn at a higher rate if you place your money on the underdog. For example: Team A +270t Team B -330 Here, team A is the underdog, and team B is the favourite. In money line bets, you pick the game-winner. Keep in mind that point spread will not affect the result of your bet. If you pick team B as the winning team, you will need to wager $330 to win a $100 profit. If you decide to back Team A for winning outright, you will be paid 2.7 times the wagering amount if they won. If team A loses the game, you will lose your wagering amount. For instance, if you wager $100, you will lose this amount.

Straight Bets

Straight bets are also famous as Point Spread bets. They are the most popular type of football bets. These bets are point spread based. In straight bets, you choose a team and either get or give away points. The bettors are allowed to bet the favourite while giving away points. On the other hand, they can bet on the underdog while receiving the points. The favourite has to win by more points than it gives up if the bet is placed. In contrast, the underdog has to either win outright or lose by less than the points received. In Point spread bets, you have to wager 10% more than the amount you decide. For example- if you want to win $100, you have to wager $110. Team A +7.5 Team B -7.5 If you place a bet on team B, they have to win by 8 points or more for you to win the bet. However, if you decide to bet on the underdog that is team A, then they have to win outright or lose by 7 or less points.


Parlay is a type of bet where you pick two or more teams to place your bet on. All the teams must win for you to earn profit. Punters around the world like football parlays because of the massive amounts they earn through it. Some bettors like to parlay high scoring teams with over while low scoring teams with under bets. Many punters like to parlay more than 10 teams to earn huge profits. Earning massive amounts by wagering a little amount works like a lottery ticket.


The props bet is popular among bettors because the punters are allowed to bet on multiple teams, players statistics and even on a specific game. Think of what you want to bet on, and with proposition bets, you will be able to do that. Common bet props include which team will score first, which player will score the first goal. Whether or not the first possession will be a touchdown, field goals, etc. Bettors can also wager under/over on statistics.

Halftime betting

Halftime betting is popular among punters as it offers a good value at times. It works like a normal point spread bet. The only difference is that you need to act quickly during halftime. Halftime bets are majorly placed to predict the happenings in the second half. It also offers a chance for punters to see how the game is moving before making their next move.

Future Bets

Future bets are placed a month or more in advance in the NFL. There are several future bets that you can wager on who will win the super bowl, which team will win their conference, etc. Apart from these, punters are allowed to wager over/under how many games a team will win in the season, who will be the MVP, etc. 

‘If’ Bets

‘If’ betting allows you to make 2 starlight bets. But you can place the second bet only ‘if you win the first bet. You have to pick any two teams to put on the same ticket. And then put any of your teams at first. If the teams put in first loses, you lose the chance to place your second bet. However, if the first team wins, the same amount is wagered on the second bet. If your second team also wins, you collect the entire amount. But if the second team loses, you only earn the profit from the first bet.

Reverse Wagers

Reverse bets is a bet where you wager on a pair of ‘if’ bets. In reverse wager, you put both your teams first. If either one of your teams loses, you still win on the other team. In simple words, the reverse wager is ‘if’ betting minus the decision of which team to put first. These are a few of the many bets used in the NFL; you can pick your bets and start making profits.